4 Reasons to Seriously Consider Invisalign…
Even if You Love Your Smile Nowby Dr. Yenile Y. Pinto DDS

It’s true that most people who decide to get Invisalign want a better smile, but there are many great non-cosmetic reasons to consider this powerful solution. Even if you love your smile.
For example, my husband Peter started getting cavities caused by normal teeth shifting.The shifting made it nearly impossible for Peter to floss properly. So food would get stuck in his teeth.
Peter says, I was happy with my smile, but because I married a dentist I knew I’d be in for a lot of dental work in the future if I didn’t do something to fix the shifting. Plus,I have a personal goal: no crowns until I’m 60!”
So Peter started with Invisalign and saw improvement quickly. “My teeth are now straighter, my jaw actually feels better and doesn’t click anymore and I floss easily again.”
My guest Jessica had a lisp which lowered her confidence in social settings. She did Invisalign and saw very notable improvement. Now she speaks with clarity and confidence.
And Ricardo, came in for a visit not too long ago and said, “Doctor, my teeth seem to be chipping away piece by piece.” He said he just assumed he had weak teeth and no dentist ever told him otherwise.
But I noticed right away that his bite was misaligned, which was causing more stress on certain teeth. Cracks and pieces of tooth were shearing off seemingly out of nowhere.
He has since completed Invisalign and we haven’t noted any additional fracturing of teeth since.
And one more story about a very special guest of mine: Me! Obviously, I have known the benefits of Invisalign for a long time. But, being a busy mom and professional, I kept putting it off and putting it off. Sound familiar, moms?
Most of us moms delay or do without many things for ourselves while our children are in diapers and breastfeeding. Fewer visits to the hair salon. Fewer mani-pedis. That’s just normal “mommy brain.” But when our kids are finally sleeping through the night, we start allowing ourselves to think about ME again.

When my kids all got to that stage and I thought, “I don’t think there’s any more pregnancies in our future,” I decided to do it.
My biggest concern? I know, like I mentioned above, that teeth naturally shift as we age. So if we don’t correct it, they’re just gonna keep slipping and sliding. And as you know now, that can cause all kinds of tooth problems down the road. And being a dentist, I would feel and see that slipping every day. Maybe most people would not…but I did!
I decided to put a stop to that. Push them back where they’re supposed to be.
And I noticed something else. Something I’d heard guests tell me over the years, but never thought too much about…I stopped snacking and lost weight.
For years, guests have told me they lost weight after getting Invisalign. Why? Because the trays are a pain to take out. And you do have to take them out to eat. It’s just not worth it. So, many people just skip the snacks!
Invisalign is more than just “invisible braces.” It’s an innovative, multi-purpose solution to…and prevention of…many dental problems.
1. Better bite alignment: Bite problems such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Invisalign can help improve your bite alignment, reducing the risk of these symptoms and improving your overall oral health.
2. Less chipping, cracking and erosion:Teeth that are crooked can rub against each other, causing wear and tear on the enamel and increasing the risk of dental damage such as chipping or cracking. Invisalign can help align your teeth properly, reducing the risk of dental damage and improving the longevity of your teeth.
3. Improved speech: In some cases, crooked or misaligned teeth can affect speech, making it difficult to pronounce certain words or sounds. Invisalign can help improve the alignment of your teeth, which can improve your speech and communication abilities.
4. Weight loss: Many people say they snack less and lose weight after starting Invisalign simply because they don’t want to take out their device to eat!
So many great reasons to ask if Invisalign is right for you.
And, even if you’re not quite ready for the full Invisalign solution, there is a great cost-effective step you can take right now: a retainer. A retainer will keep things from getting worse. So if you already love your smile, it’s still a good idea to freeze your smile and keep it your whole life.
Ever notice how your grandparents’ teeth overlap? Especially on the bottom front teeth? This is a normal part of aging. Teeth are always shifting, so if you’d love to keep your smile looking great, get a retainer now before age takes its toll.
Invisalign does more than give you a great smile. It can literally save your smile.
If you’ve been finding harder to floss or noticed your smile isn’t quite as straight as it used to be, call me today to schedule a complimentary Invisalign consultation and we can discuss all your options. 786-577-4180